Estonia Has Great Potential To Benefit From Global Retrofit Market
Estonia Has Great Potential To Benefit From Global Retrofit Market

The preliminary study for a potential ship retrofit hub has been submitted to the Estonian Ministry of Climate. Last week, we presented the study results and are pleased to note that there was significant interest in the study’s findings. Study Goals and Scope The study’s primary goal was to develop an innovative model for a […]

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Workboats Consulting has won Estonian public procurement “Investment needs of ports and development of an operating model for a retrofit hub“
Workboats Consulting has won the Estonian public procurement "Investment needs of ports and development of an operating model for a retrofit hub“

Workboats Consulting, as a leading maritime consultancy firm, is delighted to announce that we have won a significant public procurement contract conducted by the Estonian Ministry of Climate to define the investment needs of Estonian ports as part of the European climate package “Fit for 55“. The contract also involves the development of an operating […]

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