Workboats Consulting is pleased to announce our partnership with Utilitas Wind in the development of the Saare-Liivi Offshore Wind Farm. This significant project aims to strengthen Estonia’s renewable energy sector and drive the country toward a greener future. Our collaboration highlights our commitment to providing comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) surveys to support sustainable offshore wind energy initiatives.

Utilitas Wind Saare-Liivi offshore wind farm: A key project for Estonia’s energy independence

The Saare-Liivi Offshore Wind Farm is strategically located in the Gulf of Riga. It falls within areas designated for wind energy development under the 2017 county-wide spatial plan for Pärnu County’s maritime area. The project envisions the installation of approximately 80 wind turbines in its first phase, delivering a total capacity of 1,200 MW and an anticipated annual electricity production exceeding 5 TWh. This substantial output is poised to contribute significantly to Estonia’s energy independence and environmental objectives.

Utilitas Wind Saare-Liivi offshore wind farm development area
Utilitas Wind Saare-Liivi offshore wind farm development area. Source: Utilitas Wind

Environmental Impact Assessments: A crucial step in Utilitas OWF development

A critical component of this development is the execution of a thorough Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Workboats Consulting specializes in conducting detailed EIA surveys, encompassing studies on avian populations, marine mammals, fish habitats, etc. By utilizing advanced survey vessels and cutting-edge data collection technologies, we provide precise and reliable insights. These are essential for informed decision-making and regulatory compliance, ensuring the project aligns with environmental sustainability standards.

Why Workboats Consulting?

Our collaboration with Utilitas Wind underscores our expertise in supporting offshore wind farm developers through meticulous environmental assessment. By integrating our specialized services for offshore wind farm developers and our comprehensive OWF EIA survey project management service with Utilitas Wind’s dedication to sustainable energy development, we are collectively advancing Estonia’s transition toward a greener and more resilient energy infrastructure.

Looking for a partner to conduct EIA surveys? Let’s go green together!

If you need a reliable partner to conduct or support offshore wind farm surveys, Workboats Consulting is here to help. Contact us at Let’s build a greener future together! ☘️

Utilitas Wind Saare-Liivi offshore wind farm bird survey findings are in—read about the findings here!

Illustration of a survey vessel